Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Changes in the landscape

It's been awhile. Why does it seem that time flies faster the older we get??? Not digging it!

Well since the last "check in", I have had some ups and downs. The downs include losing two of my precious babies this year. Gus passed on and so did my sweet little Mollie kitty. Everyone misses them, especially Mr. Big. He lost two of his best pals within months of each other.

The ups...I have rececently been hired as a contractor for a few months with AT&T Wireless. What makes this not just an "up" because I'm employed, but rather "ups" is because I work for a very nice person. I am hoping this contract gets extended!

The rest of the crazies in the nut house are well. Max is still ridiculously full of energy, Lexie is amazing, and the kitties are sweet as ever. The horses are doing well...no showing lately due to some issues with hooves and funds, so hoping to at least do one fun event before the end of the year :)

Can you believe Fall is already here...bring on some beautiful colors and cooler weather!!!

All the best,

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